Outline lesson schema (all work done on both reins)
trot loose rein
canter loose rein
trot change rein in renvers trot
canter trot ten strides canter
What were the challenges?
Cantering on a loose rein as in just getting canter!
How did we deal with the challenges?
Doing the wrong thing more intensely does not get you the right thing! If the canter isn't happening *THINK* , apply logic, soft inside rein, position hind quarters, sit up and AID CORRECTLY. Flapping about in a fashion similar to when you were eight and trying to get a recalcitrant pony to canter didn't work thirty years ago and doesn't work now.
What went well?
Canter was forwards and light (Sound of Hallelujah chorus) in the hand which is a huge breakthrough for both of us.
What went less well?
Canter aiding on loose rein was so bad you had to laugh.
How well did I ride?
If we studiously ignore canter aiding on loose rein then I was thoroughly pleased with how I rode the canter and also how I'm so much more prepared to ride on a looser rein, also give the rein completely and I'm also buying into the idea of not hanging onto the right rein.
Real tangible progress.
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