Thursday, 21 April 2011

Nicky Desailly - Visit 6 - 21st April

Asked Nicky why monthly visits necessary, was concerned I'd missed something. Nicky had treated a horse on yard recently 'LO' he'd had a week off with daily TENS/lunging one follow up visit and viola

Chorrie on the other hand no time off yet monthly treatments eh? Did not make logical sense to me hence question. Nicky's view is that is it maintenance and given his 'startle' reaction can see that'd tighten up muscles more than a 'normal' horse.

Need to be more organised and use many of the products I have available like shove Equissage on before lesson while I am mucking out.

So no real issues tight at bottom of thoracic sling, possibly hard ground possibly his exuberance over poles :-)

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