Monday, 4 April 2011

Monday 4th April

What were the challenges?
New horses in field next to school were very unsettled and came charging over causing C to rush off in surprise. They continued to be unsettled.
How did we deal with the challenges?
By staying within my comfort zone. I no longer believe in the force yourself up that end of the school regardless. I value my confidence and can work C well enough in a smaller part of the arena. If the challenge was permanent then yes I would need a different approach.
Outline lesson schema (all work done on both reins)
LY on long side to renvers
Walk Extend to collect using seat only
Walk to trot to walk using seat only
What went well?
After the initial spook I didn't immediately resort to short reins, no the long rein work was not as it would have been had the spook not happened; not having short reins is progress REAL progress. Steph Croxford doesn't find it easy either.
Extending walk using seat only
Collecting trot using seat only
Right rein canter when I remembered to feel as though I was sat right back (I'm not btw)_
What went less well?
Trot transition using seat only
Right canter if I don't sit back
How well did I ride?
Clearly I am an oddity; I don't crack under pressure but ride better. Actually I think it depends on the pressure, but that does mean if I can do it under a couple of types of pressure I can learn to do it under all types of pressure.

Legs much less flappy, well you can't criticise if you have the same fault now can you (!)

I did feel I was holding him up less than is my old tendency.

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