Used Equissage before lesson (new organised Alexis ...) got a feeling that Chorrie wasn't right not in any physical sense just somehow not right. Clare wondered if he was feeling his physio or of course there was also the possibility I was just imagining it all :@) Decided to give him an 'easy' lesson to the sound of Abba!
Outline lesson schema (all work done on both reins)
Trot travers on short diagonal
Canter, travers across short diagonal, counter canter around corner and short side medium counter canter on long side.
What were the challenges?
Trying to disengage literal brain for doing travers on a diagonal. think of it as starting to change the rein *then* ask for travers.
How did we deal with the challenges?
Repetition and clear explanation
What went well?
Got a very good feel in canter, he is so much less heavy in the hand and there feels genuine relaxation.
What went less well?
First attempt at medium counter canter, too much thinking this isn't possible and no sh!t Sherlock that becomes a self fulfilling prophesy!
How well did I ride?
Cross between reverting to old habits and collapsing and as always better when put under 'stress' that is given no time to analyse and over prepare and then prepare some more.
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