Sunday, 20 March 2011

Lesson at New Yatt

So Clare Goldie lesson at New Yatt I am .starting to notice of late that my lesson recall is getting worse and much larger granularity. I am hoping this is a good sign; anyway given I can recall what I had for breakfast it is not faulty memory (Katharine!)

Started off as always in walk adding in halts, then onto walk piris and a happy pony. By this time we had an audience and C was certainly playing to the gallery and strutting his stuff.

I find him so much easier away from home in a lesson, OK my half pass leaves a LOT to be desired but it is a work in progress, at the end he was powering from the back end.

Turns out I was riding round blissfully unaware Clare was asking me 'How does that feel' I ignored her several time until I finally became aware of my surroundings.

Interesting I have no canter problems away from home, which just goes to show I can do it, just need to believe I can.

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