Monday, 14 February 2011

Finding my way home

So Chorrie hacked out Saturday and I wimped out (am fair weather rider) of riding on Sunday.

Today was a lovely sunny day, C walked to the arena very quietly, got on did some warm up in walk and trot and Clare asked how he was feeling. To me he was feeling happy I think he might be a fair weather pony and like me prefers nice sunny days.

Did some useful work on trying to feel the hind quarters move.
  • I can feel on the left rein his hind leg moving under me for both 1/4s in and 1/4 out.
  • On the right rein I can feel 1/4s in, so something to work on for homework but not too much
  • Use one leg at a time depending on which hind leg needs activating.
  • Right rein getting better :-) so chuffed with that.
  • Left rein was even better. Initially was struggling to do more forward down long side as C was breaking in trot. Probably because I was not sufficiently committed and C unlike Fred or Skunk does require his rider to be committed and not to abandon him.
Got him down first long side but broke to trot second side and started being looky, it was at this point a switch flipped and I started riding him and being with him.

I need to cultivate this attitude more, being with him whilst still being soft.


Legs were better with spurs, am breaking old habits :-)
I was less grabby right rein
Think of using spurs down and meeting under him
I think I rode with a better attitude today, much more we can do this together.

I've been so lucky with the horses in my life, losing Skunk hurt like nothing has ever hurt before, but I knew him and loved him and was so lucky to have had him in my life. I'm a better person because of him. Sleep well darling boy.


  1. Your horses are lucky too. And you did great today. Clare x

  2. Also agree that Chorrie is a lucky lad
