Friday 22 January 2016

Lessons with JRW

I think I can honestly say that the help and lessons I've had from JRW have been pony life changing, JRW's mother was a pillar of support through the alt vet debacle

Anyway I'm out the other side, pony is going well, we're trotting and just about to consider adding in leg yield in trot

Physiotherapist recommended order of introduction in trot

  1. Leg yield
  2. Shoulder in
  3. Travers
  4. Half pass
This morning was all about contact good article on Eurodressage here about it. 

I have a tendency to not give enough and take too much, I need the reins short enough to help him but  with elasticity within that contact so he can travel forwards. 

I'm also not using my elbows to maintain the contact I can hear SFO banging her head on the stable wall from here, sometimes it feels I get on my pony out my hat on and take my brain out.

Anyway JRW was really helpful this morning working on the contact with me must do elbows homework tomorrow

Pony was on good form we even had a few strides of unasked for canter when there was pony squealing outside.

Pony saw the physiotherapist ND yesterday who was pleased with foot picking up improvement, general pony appearance, trotting on tiny circle, explained I was suspicious of RH and he wasn't as easy flexing on left rein, some tightness on right side which fitted but ND felt was training response.

So we're good to go, hence introducing lateral work in trot so because we are upping the work have brought the next ND visit forward, 


Seen in walk and trot on the straight and circles; gait characteristics remain largely static; good in trot on small circles but does show more caution moving around the RF when turning to but also noted similar caution on the left rein but this could be influenced by the rotation in this fetlock. To the left he does swing the RH a little wide and puts the quarters to the right. 

On palpation the right mid to caudal thoracic back shows regions of shortened muscle fibres with some ridging in the area behind the saddle and trigger point tenderness. The left side being the 
better side this time. The right base of neck palpates with better tone this time and the left neck is a little more hypertonic but more to the dorsal region. The left poll region to C2/3 junction was also addressed. 

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