Anyway finally our diaries synced and the weather gods were kind.
My current concern is Chorrie's crookedness not helped by my current issues and this week as I've got stiffer (roll on osteopath visit) he has got more crooked
So started off in walk and Lorna immediately corrected my position, I was BTV probably because there is less painful with regard to the abdominal pain but getting back to vertical and not collapsing dooooooooown (string on top of head) improved the walk strides So to get there I need to feel slightly forward and get that odd feeling (TMI to detail here)
Onto trot and he did a good demonstration of the crookedness issue to correct this I need ZERO left rein and sufficient right rein to have a bend and for the millionth time
- Hands as a fcuking pair!!!
- You give the rein by hand forward not out to bleeding side
I gave no idea how many times SFO has said hands as a pair, plus Lorna clearly I am not a one trial learner
So homework is
- Hands as a PAIR
- Less left rein tending to zero and more right rein
- Leg yield
- Insist and persist for a right bend as we LY
- Build up the amount of trot, so he gains confidence that I will not pull him crooked
- String on head, do not go BTV , feel slightly forward