Thursday, 6 October 2011

Supporting limb laminitis.

Wednesday 5th October

YO doing AM shift so arrive 15:30, move Chorrie's to Fred's stable and he isn't sound. Legs are the same, so walk him out and fcuk he really isn't right on his right fore.

Bounding digital pulse and crippled so am thinking foot abscess. Can't get him to lift left fore, nothing to see right fore. Call vet for advice wouldn't have under 'normal' circumstances but am now paranoid. Liz is off to Holland tomorrow as team horses running at Boekelo so she calls in on way home (not that we are any where near her way home). I love my vet. Walk him out for Liz and he is still crippled, shoe off Liz can't find any sign of abscess so have to assume laminitis.

So 1 bute twice daily (increase if needed), 3ml Sedalin twice daily to improve blood flow to feet. Hay to be cut drastically by 50% Liz explained doing so can shock body and stop laminitis in its tracks.

Get farrrier out asap to remove other shoes, bed down on deep straw bed. Prognosis for laminitis in horses less good than with ponies, next seven days are critical.

Put on Nicky's support bandages overnight and send text for advice.

Call farrier who is off to Wales tomorrow but will come to us on way home, again we are nowhere near his way home. I am very lucky with the professionals I surround myself with.

Gutted doesn't even begin to sum it up.

6th October

AM Chorrie looking comfortable and bearing weight well right fore; has laid down overnight. Liz rings to check on him. Physio agrees that support bandages overnight and during day between visits way to go. Also use magnetic boot right fore. Nicky suggests use of grazing muzzle which will be easier than stones in hay bar to slow him down. So muzzle him and go home for lunch.

Call EqueStride about their medical device boot 1250 euro; Nicky will call engineer who designed boots tomorrow.

PM Call WFS to see if they have any Global Herbs Laminitis Prone in stock and they do so will go collect if farrier cannot find abscess. Arrive and farrier Chris is waiting, C seems OK in his muzzle.

Chris can't find an abscess nor any signs visually of where one could be no marks on sole. Digital pulse is down from this time yesterday. More reactive RF heels than yesterday but more comfortable at least in stable.

All shoes removed and started on GH Laminitis Prone.

Now soaking hay overnight for morning.

Bandaged legs and left him in muzzle.

7th October

AM most of the bucket feed eaten overnight even with muzzle on so that is good. Remembered to feed him first so he could eat without muzzle, increased GH Laminitis Prone to two scoops and he's not a happy bunny with that. So will buy the liquid as that is supposed to be more palatable.

Looking very comfortable in his box, walking out well on rubber mat walkway and turning well in box. No so good on concrete apron but hard to tell if this is because he is barefoot or laminitis. Either way he is better than Weds night.

Feet are normally warm, and digital pulses down.

To my mind it is perplexing he was so acutely lame on Weds PM that I thought there was a very real chance I'd loose him to this bloody nasty disease and yet 24 hours later he was almost normal. YO thinks he may just be very sensitive regarding his feet so another horse might not have shown signs yet.

Would like an explanation but will settle for him just getting better.

Am amused by fact am now using two Global Herb supplements, opinion of SA remains unchanged! Also using magnets which whilst I don't believe in static magnets it is any port in a storm!

PM Boy still looking good :-) is eating the liquid version of GH Lami Prone WTF did WFS not know the liquid is more palatable? FFS it is written on the tun retailer know thy product!

Nicky has spoken to designer of boot he'll fly over to meet us next week, would like to meet with Liz too. Fat chance she get back from Holland Monday and is off again Wednesday. If Liz is not available then Nicky will do (!)

Saturday 8th October
Boy still looking good, feet warmer initially in morning until supporting bandages have been off a while. No digital pulses has stopped eating feed with GH liquid supplement.
Syringed GH supplement into him, need to remember to do feed BEFORE dope! No change still looking comfortable.
9th October
Liz rang wants to review him tomorrow. She knows Marcus Head (Orthopaedics at Rossdales ) so will ring him about the boot.

Nicky concerned re boot if we reduce loading of inferior cruciate ligament LF will that load RF more?

10th October
Left fore considerably warmer then previously and pulse apparent.

Liz pleased with how he is doing, confessed she had been very worried Wednesday night for him. Some concern regarding rotation so review next week, scan legs and x-ray feet as if nothing else will establish baseline.

Drugs to remain as is, keep shoes off, restrict hay, watch re bed eating. Any deterioration call immediately.

Physio spoke about boot, agrees with vet, laser coronary bands twice daily for 20 minutes in total 40 seconds/foot going round feet. Magnetic boots all round during the day. Increase EMS frequency on back.

Long afternoon session, vet at 16:30, physio at 18:00 left yard at 20:20.

11th October

Feet feel cooler this morning but LF is still warmer.

Weighed out 8kg of hay (1.1% BW) have decided to soak hay supply for the day overnight then feed 1/3 for between visits then 2/3 overnight.

Wednesday 12th October
Soaking hay working well but it is a very small amount for 24 hours. Pondered using 'Russian Doll' style nets but too much risk of troughing straw when hay finished without muzzle.

13th October
Feet feeling cooler.

14th October
Herbs have arrived from EquiNatural

Feet still holding up; farrier out to Fred.
Saturday 15th October
Boy holding his own blasted EMS machine not working!

16th October
17th October
Nicky due

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