Friday, 10 December 2010

Which path to take

So lesson with Clare should have cancelled or asked her to ride as not been to work Wed/Thurs as sore throat, cold, cough and ear ache so have worked from home, so not ridden since Tuesday and back went again last night so am dosed up on pain killers (must go to chemist and check I can do brufen and paracetamol two hours alternate)

Feel like I was sleep walking not having got to sleep very early last night waiting for pain killers to kick in so the lovely smiley Clare arrives and gets to see C in his less than :rolleyes: mood; you couldn't say he was naughty as he doesn't do anything and that is kind of the point he doesn't give any co operation, doesn't do anything he has not been asked to do, just not with you.

This is of course where the training holes really show when he is not giving of himself.

Have to say I don't like the contact we get on days like today. It is like holding hands with a wriggly child who doesn't want to hold hands but you need to so you're trying to hold hands without doing a death grip (tempting!) on the child's hand.

So worked on how to work around him when in this mood which is usual when he hasn't been in regular work.

Started off walk -> halt and moving him off on a specified hind leg, seat bone forward to allow and visualise and allow. Then trying to halt him as I ride him 'up' to the bridle ; so think diaphragm up as you halt, to lighten seat and to allow hind legs to come under you, sit straight though else he will rein back.

So lots of SI down long side on circle, 10m canter circles then some trot half pass which as Clare said sounds mad when he isn't connecting but he enjoys it so use it to jolly him into working. Started on walk piris to the left we're pretty good to the right he sticks or I stick or we both stick either way we get stuck.

Contact issue also down to fact he/we likes to take inside rein too strongly, to correct take the contact I want with outside rein, soft inside and occasionally ask for inside flexion, but mostly keep giving inside rein.

Need to decide what road I take, keep riding without spurs and sort out him being off leg whilst possibly being a bit out of comfort zone as different feel or go back to how we were.

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